• Our Back on Track Community Share Offer
    ​has now closed

    Thank you to everyone who invested in us: your support is invaluable!

    Details of the closed Community Share Offer are still available to view below.

Read the Offer (now closed)
A solution is needed now more than ever. 
​We have designed a different approach that puts the receivers and givers of care in control of their support and their livelihoods.

​Our Back on Track Community Share Offer is now LIVE! Help us dust off the effects of the pandemic to continue to grow a kinder, more resilient way of giving and receiving care and support. Become an Investor Member and Join us!

What are the details?

Please make sure you read our Back on Track Offer before you invest.

  30% tax relief on the investment (known as EIS), returned to you in the same tax year 

  Interest rate of 3% paid from 2025 and money withdrawable from 2025

  Minimum investment £100 per individual

  Maximum investment £100,000 per individual or organisation

  Be part of the change for the social care system: let's rebuild for kindness, resilience and putting power back where it belongs

Capital At Risk

Your capital is at risk and anyone buying community shares could lose some or all of the money they invest, without the protection of the government’s Financial Services Compensation Scheme, and without recourse to the Financial Ombudsman Service. As an investor member you are liable for the debts of the society only up to the value of your investment (and no more). This remains the case for twelve months after any sums you might have withdrawn.
Please do not invest any money you cannot afford to lose.

​frequently asked questions 

Do I have to become an Investor Member in order to support you?
 Investor Members are people who support Equal Care Co-op's aims and vision and also want to join us for the journey. Membership is voluntary if you want to donate but you will automatically become a Member if you invest in us through a community share offer.
What's a community share?
Community shares are withdrawable shares that cannot be sold, traded or transferred between Members, unlike shares in a typical company. All Members are entitled to one vote – regardless of how many shares they hold. Members can be paid interest on their shares if the board believe it would be sensible to do so and can also withdraw their shareholding, along with any interest accrued, again subject to the approval of the board. 
Is the community share offer regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority?
No. This is because the capital value of the shares does not change, although they may be revised down as part of an annual audit. The only circumstance where you may transfer your shares is if you die and you would need to nominate someone to transfer them to when you invest. If you invest above £5,000 you would need to specifically name the person you're transferring them to in your will. 

Because the offer is not regulated you would not have right to compensation from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, nor would you have right of complaint to the Financial Ombudsman.
Can I invest on behalf of a child?
No. However, anyone over the age of 16 can invest (but only people aged 18 or above can serve as directors).
What if the society becomes insolvent?

If we did become insolvent, the ability of investors to recoup the funds they have invested would depend on firstly the value we (or the appointed insolvency practitioners) could get for the assets of the society and secondly, the value of our debts at that point.

In the event of our insolvency or orderly winding-up, the proceeds from the sale of those assets and our cash would firstly pay off all our creditors, and if there were any funds left at that point, would be used to pay back shareholders as much of their investment as they have outstanding as possible, on a pro-rata basis.

As a ‘common ownership’ society, our rules state that should there be any surplus after returning funds to investors this would have to be given to another organisation supporting the co-operative movement and which has a similar common-ownership clause.

What if I don't get my investment back?

Investors who have claimed tax relief would also be eligible to claim loss relief against their tax liability for the difference between what they invested less any tax relief already claimed and what was returned to them. So, let’s say someone has invested £1,000, using the cash made from selling an asset that’s deemed a capital gain. They can claim 30% of it against their income tax, and also reduce the Capital Gains Tax bill by half. All told they reduce their tax bill by £440, meaning they have invested £1,000 at a cost to them ultimately of £560.

Let’s say we then become insolvent and no one gets their money back. As far as HMRC are concerned, that means the investor has lost the value of their investment less their 30% income tax relief, so they’ll be able to declare that £560 loss against their tax liability, which would enable them to recover all of it.

Do I have to do anything as an Investor Member?
All Members sign up to the Members' Commitment and agree to abide by Equal Care Co-op's rules. This includes attending an Annual Members' Meeting (the AGM) with the option of attending three others over the course of the year. You can do this virtually or in person, or appoint a proxy to vote in your stead.
Would I become liable for anything?
No, you have no liability beyond the amount of your investment or members payment. After you withdraw your investment you are still liable for the debts of the society up to the value of your investment for the following 12 months.
What's different about being an Investor Member compared to the other types?
Investor Members aren't directly involved in the service of the co-operative, so their decision-making power is limited to 10% of any vote. We want Equal Care Co-op to work in the interests of those it affects directly: people giving and receiving support. Read more about the different membership categories here.
Can I change my membership category?
Yes, if you work or volunteer for Equal Care Co-op, or if you are being supported by the co-operative, you can change your membership category. This then gives you 'One Member, One Vote' voting rights.
Can I see what you spend the money on?
Yes. For those of you interested in investing you will see all the documents necessary to make an informed decision. Once you become an Investor Member (either through donation or investment) you will get quarterly reports showing what is being spent and where.